At a September 7 Special Council Meeting to host a public hearing for two newly revised by-laws, one was approved but the new zoning by-law was referred back to staff for further research and clarification following good questions and points raised by a local resident during the Public Hearing, points that were also acknowledged and shared by Council. The zoning by-law review has been a work in progress since Spring 2008 when the former Mayor and Council started the process. What precipitated the review to amend the zoning by-law was because it was inconsistent with provisions of the 2007 Official Community Plan, thereby leaving the Municipality potentially exposed, both legally and in relation to zoning bylaw interpretation.

I am hopeful that the amended zoning by-law will be adopted before the end of this Council's term, given that it has taken 3 and a half years to complete the review. This was a necessary and significant body of work and Mayor Alice Finall and staff should be commended for moving the process forward.