Cairine Green - Councillor for North Saanich, 2008-2011
More News About Vantreight Development Proposal
My understanding is that Central Saanich Council moved one step closer at their December 14 Council meeting and voted, among other things, to send the proposal to the CRD's Planning Department for its review. This could be significant to the future of the proposal in my view, given that if the development is found to contravene or compromise Central Saanich's Regional Context statement in its Official Community Plan, then the development proposal becomes the centerpiece in a wider discussion and approval process at the CRD Board table, under the provisions of the Regional Growth Strategy's (RGS) amending formula.
You may recall a similar situation in the Highlands about 2 years ago when a controversial application to provide municipal water to Bear Mountain Resort required an amendment because it contravened the Highlands' Official Community Plan's Regional Context Statement, requiring a referral for decision to the CRD Board. The Highlands decision became a galvanizing issue locally and regionally related to the RGS; I understand that to amend the RGS needs unanimous support of the CRD Board. The CRD Board ultimately turned down the Highlands application, the decision was appealed and mediation by the Province was attempted but failed.
North Saanich Mayor and Council have already forwarded a letter to Central Saanich Mayor and Council outlining our concerns about the proposal, given its extremely close proximity to North Saanich Southeast Quadrant neighbourhoods. To date, I understand that in addition to a variety of land use and environmental concerns, a planned road allowance into the development and lack of sufficient buffering could create significant noise and air pollution from traffic gaining access and egress right through Southeast Quadrant neighbourhoods. Naturally, North Saanich will make every effort to mitigate any impacts on its residents.
For more information about the concerned citizens group, please visit their blog site at For detailed information about the Vantreight development proposal, please visit the Central Saanich website at
Go West To Find Best Municipal Accountability
He points out that accountability and transparency are important principles for local governments, especially when you consider that municipalities are economically significant in Canada. Seymour writes that "taken together, Canada's municipalities represent a roughly $65 billion-per-year industry, or about $1 of every $20 in GDP. He goes on to cite that "at 5 per cent of GDP, a 20 per cent increase in the productivity of municipal government would add a full percentage point to the national wealth."
It also appears that from his observations and research, Seymour concludes that "perhaps the biggest difference between BC municipalities and the quality of reporting that citizens can expect when it comes to finance and service performance...When it comes to questions of providing disclosure on the value of capital assets, whether those values are depreciated according to best practice asset management, definitions are given for the line items that money is spent on or those expenditure areas are associated with measured performance compared to numerical targets, municipal reporting is the best in the West."
He goes on to say that, as with other governments, municipal government is a "natural monopoly" since it is the single source of services. He suggests that "consumers, the people who pay taxes and user fees and use roads, garbage collection and recreational services, don't have the same level of choice in who provides these essential services as they would in a competitive market." Therefore, operating in this context makes it even more of an imperative, Seymour argues, for municipalities to "help residents understand what services are being provided and at what cost, with numerical performance targets and actual performance achievements that are linked to areas of expenditure."
I encourage you to visit the website noted above for more information and detail about the Seymour report.
What Do Canadians Value?
Other indicators of dysfunction were "bureaucracy, unemployment, crime/violence, wasted resources, corruption, and uncertainty about the future." These results cut across gender, age, regions, public and private sectors and ethnicity. The survey also suggests that respondents are calling for a reduction of bureaucracy, better government accountability and a stronger social safety net. Asked to choose "ten values that they would like to see reflected in Canadian society, the highest responses went to accountability, caring for the elderly, affordable housing, effective health care, caring for the disadvantaged, concern for future generations, poverty reduction, employment opportunities, human rights and governmental effectiveness."
It wasn't all negative however; human rights, freedom of speech, law enforcement and quality of life were identified as significant strengths of our current national culture.
"The results of this assessment will be widely distributed so Canadian individuals, organizations and governments can use this information to help realize our desired future for Canada," said Taylor. It seems that values-based leadership is the mark of a new way of moving all of us toward a kinder, more effective and more responsible social system, one that truly serves Canadians no matter who they are or where they live, work or gather.
The Institute is also planning to facilitate public dialogue, provide subsequent national values assessments and support ongoing applied research on values and their relationship to communities and organizations. For more information about the survey and the Todd Thomas Institute for Values-Based Leadership, please visit (
Affordable Housing as National Policy
Victoria City Councilor Charlayne Thornton-Joe, who Chairs the CRD's Regional Housing Corporation Board (of which I am a member) is leading the charge and canvassing member municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, public and private sector organizations and others to write Federal leaders and MPs with letters of support for this Bill, which will be voted on sometime after December 8, 2009. I understand that it has already passed first and second readings and only needs a third and final reading to be adopted.
For more information about Bill C-304, please visit or
If you are interested in supporting Bill C-304, please send a letter to that effect to MP Dean Allison, Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA), as follows:
Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Person with Disabilities (HUMA)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Where Do We Grow From Here?
To help us understand what sustainability is and what it means to population growth, climate change, community planning and our future, keynote speakers at the workshop were Mike Harcourt (former municipal Councilor, Vancouver Mayor and BC Premier and now leader and spokesperson on sustainable urban growth and planning) and Dave Biggs, founder of Metro Quest (researcher and leading consultant on public involvement in urban planning and sustainability whose company has developed interactive tools for public engagement).
Highlights from Mike Harcourt:
Calling this the "urban century," Mike Harcourt asked, "How do we try to define the concept of "sustainability?" He suggests that there are 4 key elements:
- environmental health
- social inclusion/justice
- vibrant culture (sense of "place," creativity and innovation)
He argues that at the rate the world is going, we have no choice but to plan sustainable communities -- if we make the wrong choices, there will be consequences.
He tells us that human growth patterns suggest that by 2050, there will be 10 billion people inhabiting our earth (the equivalent of adding two more Chinas) and 75% of these will be living in cities. To put this into some perspective, Harcourt stated that in 1930 the world population was 2 billion and in 2000, it was 6 billion. He cites
Harcourt also warns that approximately 1 billion people in developing countries could be living in shanty towns by 2050. Regarding population impacts on climate, Harcourt says that in
His message to all of us is "get with it" -- we can no longer afford the kind of suburban sprawl that dominates many of our community landscapes -- we must concentrate growth within urban areas that are already high-density and can be sustained.
He also talks about "live-ability accords" and "sustainability agreements" made between communities that set out principles, standards and values that focus planning on sustainable land use and community development that uses energy integration to reduce air pollution, waste and emissions. He refers to models of mixed use and high density communities that use geo-thermal, solar and waste recovery to heat space and water, not electricity.
He concludes by lauding
- Three books by Richard Florida titled "Rise of the Creative Class," "Flight of the Creative Class" and "Who Is Your City?"
- "The Climate Cover-Up," a book that explores and exposes those who deny that climate change is occurring with major negative impacts on human health and the world's future.
Highlights from Dave Biggs:
Dave Biggs, founder of MetroQuest, opened with some significant facts about our Capital Region:
- By 2038, an additional 110,000 people will live here.
- Of these, 75,000 will be seniors or about 29%, up from the current 17% ratio.
- Currently, 49% of Greater Victoria's population lives in single family dwellings.
- 72% of us drive alone in vehicles.
- Only 12% of us use public transit (if access to public transit is located more than 500 meters away, it is less likely to be used).
We then participated in MetroQuest's interactive process using electronics to collect and tally our responses to questions about what we value for future regional planning and sustainability. As a result, the audience identified 5 top priorities ranked as follows:
- Clean Air
- Lower Carbon Emissions
- Walkable Neighbourhoods
- Vibrant Downtown
- Smaller Eco-Footprint
Audience results further suggest that examples of our lower planning priorities for the future are big homes and big yards, easy car travel and lower fees/taxes. It appears from the results that we also want to concentrate new growth in existing areas such as the Western Communities,
Biggs concluded with some housing projections for the CRD that suggest that by 2046, regional populations will be living in small houses on small lots, in ground level housing (e.g., town homes with access to outside space that is either a small garden or patio) and in condos and apts. in buildings of 5 storeys or less. He also argues that because municipalities have to fund their infrastructure, large developments can be net negative over time, especially after 20 years i.e., servicing costs for these large developments become a significant financial drain for municipalities.
It would seem that Smaller is Better.
This workshop was one of the best I have attended in recent years and kudos to the CRD for putting this one on. While the focus was largely on urban development and planning, the information and attitude trends suggest to me that many of us in the Capital Region value the principles expressed in the Regional Growth Strategy -- many municipalities care about and are committed to a sustainable future. Mike Harcourt says we have no choice and Dave Biggs says he can help us to engage our communities in this important conversation.
I realize that those of us who attended this workshop may also be the converted -- I sometimes find that the people who should be in the room are often not so I look forward to making efforts to reach the dissenters, those who have not yet accepted the inevitability of climate change and the need to build sustainable communities.
I also recognize that not everyone in the Capital Region agrees with RGS principles, amending formula or other administrative practices. Some municipalities seem to feel that it impinges on their independence and authority. Mike Harcourt suggests that we should set aside our regional differences for the sake of future sustainability. Others at this workshop are calling for an even stronger RGS document, one that has "some teeth" and will protect against sprawl and safeguard rural, agricultural and green spaces throughout the area, especially on the
Still others suggest different remedies, such as amalgamation as an answer to containing sprawl. But there appears to be divided opinion on amalgamation, with one urban Mayor warning against it, suggesting that it is not a more efficient and cheaper means of delivering local government services, as some proponents would argue. He said in part "...homogenization simply doesn't work for me." In my view he makes a good point.
I attended this workshop with my colleague Councilor Ruby Commandeur who is a local organic farmer in Deep Cove. Both of us specifically asked the speakers about how a rural-residential area such as
While our question went largely unanswered, Tracy Corbett, CRD Senior Manager of Regional Planning, said that she appreciated our questions and comments and offered to explore putting on a session that focuses on small community issues such as rural protection. Like many other local and regional politicians, I believe that if the region values the
The RGS review will be a major CRD undertaking over the next few months and I believe that the results will have far-reaching implications for all of us, especially for communities such as
I have always supported the RGS as a key planning document that demonstrates leadership and innovation in regional planning. Below this post is an article that I wrote last year (Oct. 2008) about the RGS and its importance in protecting small rural communities from urban sprawl and environmental degradation. For those of you who have not read it, I encourage you to do so and for those of you who have, please take the time to read it again.
Please also visit the CRD website to find out more about the RGS review, regional sustainability and information about CRD Board and Committee meetings, at
Regional Growth Strategy -- Re-Post
I support the motion to deny the amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy. To explain my position, I want to provide the following background information. Like many people, I needed to completely understand what the strategy is and what it really means for North Saanich, the
The Capital Regional District Board adopted the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) on August 13, 2003. The strategy represents an agreement, developed and approved, by all member municipalities and the regional district in partnership, on social, economic and environmental goals and priority actions.
This is a landmark agreement, a landmark agreement as cited in a report prepared in March 2003 by the Department of Environment and Resource Studies,
- In many urban and rural areas, local citizens motivated by concerns about community disruption and environmental degradation have resisted development projects of various kinds. In some cases, these actions have reflected a broader concern that on a finite planet, or at least in a finite community or region, future growth in human demands will be increasingly destructive.
- The result has been a second wave of growth management that is expected to cover not just all factors that affect growth patterns, but also all consideration that affect long-term community and ecological sustainability.
- Sustainability is fundamentally a matter of applied ethics. It has a human focus but involves consideration of future as well as present interests and recognizes ultimate human dependence on the biosphere. Arguably, commitment to sustainability entails adoption of what Aldo Leopold called the “land ethic” – extending the definition of community from the social interaction of individuals to the linking of all components of the natural world, and requiring people to view themselves as stewards of the land.
- Development of this kind allows for the building of a shared local culture that encompasses history, values and traditions of a particular place or region.
In 1995, the BC government passed the Growth Strategies Statutes Amendment Act to facilitate better coordination of municipalities, regional districts and the provincial government to deal with complex growth management issues. However, its most significant provisions focus on the regional level. The act gave “legislative authority” for regional districts to voluntarily develop and adopt a Regional Growth Strategy.
A regional growth strategy is a regional vision that commits affected municipalities and regional districts to a course of action to meet common social, economic and environmental objectives. It also forms a part of a municipality’s Official Community Plan through a Regional Context Statement, which links the RGS to the municipal plan. The RGS is designed to outline the regional vision for the next 20 years.
The core objective of the Growth Strategies Act is “to promote human settlement that is socially, economically and environmentally healthy and makes efficient use of ... land and other resources.” The foremost priority goals for the RGS are:
- Avoiding urban sprawl and ensuring that development takes place where adequate facilities exist…
- Protecting environmentally sensitive areas.
- Maintaining the integrity of a secure, productive resource base, including agricultural, and forestland reserves.
- Protecting the quality and quantity of ground and surface water.
Without consistent support and long term commitment from the Capital Regional District through its Regional Growth Strategy, municipal boundaries that keep urban containment compact will be vulnerable, resulting in unmanaged growth that will continue to threaten green and rural spaces, agriculture and farmland and forests and water resources. Local governments in the Capital Regional District must now decide how strong, consistent and effective they will be in the application of sound land use policy that considers critical factors such as:
- Regional energy planning and conservation
- Food production and security
- Efficient, economical and environmentally sound transportation planning
- Conservation and use of water resources
- Waste disposal
The Regional Growth Strategy enables local governments to manage growth with confidence and vision, to plan for the future and for an environmental legacy of which generations after us can be proud.
The report by the
If the necessary goodwill and commitment are to be found anywhere in British Columbia, they are to be found among the municipal leaders and residents of the Capital Regional District, given the long standing concern for quality of life issues in this region. What happens in the CRD will therefore be an important test of the Regional Growth Strategy mechanism. If effective growth management using the Regional Growth Strategy cannot be accomplished in the Capital Regional District, it is unlikely that the mechanism will work well anywhere in the Province.
Municipal Spending a Concern
Results for other CRD municipalities varied between a low of 1.71 to a high of 8.62. Questions were raised in the article by some local Mayors about the validity and context of the data, given consistent provincial downloading to municipal governments during the past 8 or 9 years. It was argued that downloading programs and services negatively impacts local government's ability to meet and sustain demands, such as increased police services. Another factor is salaries paid to municipal staff that apparently average 35% higher than the private sector.
Financial issues and municipal spending are ongoing concerns of mine, especially for a municipality the size of North Saanich. Large infrastructure projects such as the new sewer system for Deep Cove/Pat Bay and McDonald Park Road was about a $15M bill that frankly should not have been imposed on taxpayers at a time when construction costs were at their highest and the real estate boom was at its peak. This capital cost, however, was just half of the equation; the cost of maintaining this infrastructure is the other half, borne by all North Saanich taxpayers.
The unexpected increase to the Panorama pool expansion was another major impact on North Saanich taxpayers that will be reflected in next year's tax bill. At $12M, up from approximately $5.7M as cited in the 2005 North Saanich pool expansion referendum, it seems to me project management and planning for the pool had challenges related to spending control. Many North Saanich taxpayers I talked to have been concerned about this and again, capital cost is one thing but ongoing maintenance and operation are others. I also understand that staffing at Panorama has increased by about 50% as a result of opening the new pool and it is argued that a larger more complex facility needs more staff to run it. Having said that, many see the pool expansion as a community asset that will benefit social and recreational needs over time.
But at a time when the economy is still fragile and private and public sectors continue to make significant cuts, it's my view that adding staff in any organization can be a difficult decision to sell to taxpayers who have to foot the bills.
In my opinion, these are just two examples that demonstrate local government's fundamental responsibility to carefully manage or scale back big projects that may not be fully sustainable or affordable over time. Sustainable spending is one of the reasons why I supported the current North Saanich Council when it moved to cap at 5% this year's municipal tax increase. Further, I believe that this Council is taking a prudent approach to any new spending, asking staff to ensure, on behalf of North Saanich taxpayers, that whatever we do spend we can afford to sustain.
It was argued during the last municipal election that a cautious approach might mean that North Saanich would be "shut down," with comments such as "No Saanich" making the rounds. But in reality, I believe that North Saanich residents and taxpayers opted for a new Mayor and Council majority they believe will check spending, bring greater fiscal accountability to financial management and make sure that taxpayers are respected. The saying that best fits this Mayor and Council majority's approach may be simply "Ask North Saanich Taxpayers Before We Spend."
Second Meeting on Marine Task Force Report Recommendations Calls for a Third Meeting
Heavy Traffic at McTavish Road Interchange Open House
Comments on the project that I heard ranged from "too big and too complex for this area" to "too expensive when we are cutting everything else in this Province" to "we need the improvements for safety's sake" and "it's about time we did something at this intersection." I also heard some anxiety about drivers having to negotiate the roundabouts, which I agree can be daunting.
I remember well my first driving experience in
In general, my impression of public reaction during my visit to the Open House was that most people, while not wildly enthusiastic, were more accepting of recent modifications made to the design. Despite public concerns about cost and scope (which I appreciate), residents I talked to that day seemed to recognize that efforts had been made by provincial transportation planners to incorporate some of the public's feedback on design and to make subsequent changes.
Beyond original concerns about the finished product and its suitability to this area, people I spoke to have concerns about impacts during the construction phase, including road closures, re-routed traffic along East Saanich Road, emergency vehicle access to Lochside Drive and noise. I share these concerns as does the Mayor of
I want to stress, once again, that the District of North Saanich is not a contributing partner to this Interchange. YES, we supported in principle last year the Victoria Airport Authority's original request to make safety and access improvements at McTavish and the
Having said that, I can assure you that the District of North Saanich is concerned about how construction impacts will be managed until the project is completed. I understand that Mayor and Council will remain involved on your behalf through our McTavish Interchange Task Force. For questions, comments or more information, please contact your Interchange Task Force community representatives, Heather Gartshore at 250-656-0974 or Bob Williamson at 250-655-1270. And at anytime, please feel free to contact me directly (as well as other Council members) with your concerns. Thank you!
The McTavish Road Interchange Project
We wanted to let you know that we have been appointed by the District of North Saanich Council, as the two community representatives to to sit on the McTavish Road Interchange Task Force. Other members include representatives from North Saanich Staff and Council, Sidney Council, the Victoria Airport Authority, the RCMP, the Tseycum and Pauquachin First Nations and the Ministry of Transportation.
The purpose of the Task Force is to maintain consultation and dialogue with groups and individuals to identify and address community concerns during the detailed design and construction of the McTavish Road Interchange. We will represent community interests primarily in the geographic area bounded approximately by Amity Drive to the south, Dean Park to the west, Beacon Avenue to the north and Lochside Drive to the east, however we will accept comment from the community in general.
The BC Ministry of Transportation is proceeding with this project to improve safety, enhance transit and improve access to the Victoria International Airport. While we understand that you may have concerns about the design, timing and cost of this project, the Task Force is not in a position to consider those.
This is a Provincial project on Provincial land and as such, the Province can proceed. To qualify for supporting funds from the Federal Government, the project must be completed by March 2011.
After considering alternatives, the conceptual design comprising two roundabouts and a road bridge over the main highway has been complete and has now been accepted as the final design. The design contract has been awarded to a consulting engineering firm who will proceed with the detailed design. No fundamental changes can be made to the concept.
Citizens can provide input on bicycle paths, pedestrian paths, signage, landscaping, noise abatement and pollution control, but not on the design concept itself. On site construction activity is expected to commence as soon as October 2009.
As your community representatives, we would be pleased to communicate your concerns, suggestions and comments on topics where we can still exert some influence as the McTavish Road Interchange moves to the next phase.
The Task Force will be meeting at regularly scheduled intervals. You will find the project website at:
Please feel free to pass this information along to friends and neighbors who will also be impacted by the McTavish Road Interchange.
Heather Gartshore 250-656-0974
Bob Williamson 250-655-1270
Marine Task Force Report Well Anchored
An audience of about 45 to 50 people attended the October 13th Committee of the Whole Meeting, representing the general public, waterfront property owners, former Marine Task Force members and representatives of environmental groups and interested organizations. Using a September 2008 staff report to guide Council deliberations, we debated roughly half of the sixteen recommendations and carried the rest over to the next meeting on October 29th. My view is that despite some potentially contentious issues, the meeting proceeded well and the audience was respectful and fully engaged.
The meeting was opened by the former Task Force Chair, Graham Williams who provided us with a brief overview and background on some of the report's key recommendations. Council then discussed briefly how we should proceed, finally deciding to deal with each of the recommendations separately and in order. At first, I was concerned about the process of tackling these recommendations and wanted to avoid getting bogged down in minute detail and putting our audience to sleep. Other Council members agreed so we kept focused on the general recommendations, opting to attack the detail at our next meeting.
Debate was thorough and members of the audience were keen to participate in discussion on following:
Better recognize marine heritage, economic contributions and boating interests (staff directed to prepare a report for Council on anticipated changes to the Official Community Plan (OCP), suggested policy changes, development of community values related to recreation and environmental impacts and inclusion in the OCP of shoreline maps provided in the recently completely Saanich Inlet and Peninsula Atlas of Shorelines 2009 Public Report;
Meet with local marina industry representatives to explore options for improved capacity related to recreational boating and development (includes options for dry land boat storage);
Agree to keep OCP boatshed regulations the same but also agree to discuss other boatshed options with marina industry that might reduce moorage costs but increase capacity;
Guidelines for private docks (M5 vs. M6 zones).
The most contentious of these four items is the issue of guidelines for private docks. Waterfront property owners who attended the meeting are fiercely protective of their property rights -- some PRPA members (a North Saanich waterfront property owners' group) even suggested that the District should change its policy on M6 zoning so that private docks are allowed in North Saanich. Such a change would represent a major departure from the North Saanich Official Community Plan.
In the end, Council acknowledged that this Mayor and Council must first decide whether to open up this debate at all, a discussion that may be brought to a later meeting. I am reminded by other North Saanich taxpayers that while waterfront property owners have strong feelings about their riparian rights, the North Saanich waterfront is also a significant environmental asset to all North Saanich residents who live and pay taxes here. Many residents have asked that we protect and preserve the waterfront wherever possible.
In conclusion, I believe that when citizens make time to attend our meetings, we need to ensure that information and processes are "user friendly," meaning that discussions are well understood and information is readily provided. Granted, some of our discussion seemed a bit dry and drawn out and I noticed members of the audience drifting out of the Chamber before the end of the meeting. Others noted that we tended to use acronyms they did not recognize and referenced documents not provided to the audience for their information. These concerns of "using too much jargon" and "not providing some reference materials to the public" were duly noted. I have in fact today requested copies of our OCP and the original MTF report be provided at our October 29th meeting for people to see and share.
The debate will continue on October 29, 2009 when Council re-convenes in the Council Chamber at 7:00 pm to continue its review of the MTF report and the rest of the recommendations. Please try to attend this important meeting and join the discussion on how best to establish a balance between marine economic development and environmental protection of our marine habitat.
No Price Tag on Democracy
In the last few weeks, a story out of Central Saanich suggests that something is not sitting well with some
As a sitting Council member here in
Ordinary citizens interested in making a meaningful contribution to their local community through public service as an elected official, face the reality that running for public office costs money; without donations, the possibility of incurring all the costs personally can make a difference for some between running and not running. Access to funding should not be a barrier to standing as a municipal candidate -- for me, such a barrier does not serve the best interests of the public, our local communities or the election process, and excludes potentially good people from holding public office.
While I do think that the issue of slate candidates changed local election campaigning in North Saanich, certainly between 2002 and now, I also believe that
I believe that municipal elections should be regulated by Elections BC and that campaign financing and funding should be capped at 20% of whatever the individual stipend is for each Council position. The capping based on percentage is an idea put forward by North Saanich Council member Peter Chandler. It works like this: If a Councilor position in
If an elector organization, campaign organizer or individual endorses a slate of candidates, then donations are limited in the same way. It is a simple formula that levels the playing field and protects the integrity of the municipal election process that, otherwise, could be vulnerable to abuse.
Capping and regulating campaign financing/funding also prevents a "quid pro quo" situation, where special interest groups, organizers or individuals expect to have special influence on Council members making decisions. The mentality that says "I donated heavily to your campaign for a reason, now I expect a return on my investment," is one that we simply cannot afford to encourage, tolerate or ignore. Such a negative climate, whether real or perceived, compromises democracy and further reinforces the public's belief that the political process is somehow dishonest or corrupt. Sadly, that perception hurts all of us and damages our electoral and democratic processes.
Secondary Suites Well Received at Special Council Meeting
While the differences between our two communities are obvious (urban vs. rural), Mayor Fortin confirmed that secondary suites have stabilized neighbourhoods, preserved their integrity and character, improved rental housing stock in a market where there is a nearly zero per cent vacancy rate, re-populated neighbourhoods with young people and families and provided new and older homeowners with opportunities to supplement a mortgage or age in place.
As it should be, I believe that North Saanich is taking a slow and cautious approach to secondary suites, remaining conscious of our commitment to our OCP and our Regional Growth Strategy (see open letter to Council written by resident Wendy Bjornsfeldt and posted on But the Sept. 15th meeting indicated that there is solid support for the idea.
Of the residents who attended the meeting, all but one or two expressed their unqualified support, both for secondary suites and for an opportunity to be part of a pilot program in the Southeast Quadrant (SEQ), (excluding Dean Park where properties are protected by covenants that prohibit rental suites but where it is interesting to note that about 49% of all existing "illegal" suites in North Saanich are located in the SEQ, which includes Dean Park).
Over the past year, I have had dozens of residents approach me and tell me that they support secondary suites. Among other advantages, they see secondary suites as a real alternative to high density development in North Saanich; they consider suites as generally unobtrusive, blending well with existing housing and neighbourhood character.
Critical to the success of any secondary suite program in my view will be the results of the one-year pilot evaluation based on specific criteria, including regular and ongoing communication with residents inside and outside of the pilot area. It is my understanding (and I will continue to press for this) that concerns related to increased traffic, congestion, parking, density, owner-occupation, impact on local services and property values will be closely tracked and monitored by the District of North Saanich during the evaluation phase.
I heard Mayor Finall state clearly at the meeting that she, Council and staff will be looking to residents, during the pilot phase, to let us know of any and all issues related to secondary suites.
Investigating the desirability of secondary suites in North Saanich also fulfills, I think, a commitment reflected in our Official Community Plan and housing strategy. There are still a variety of issues and details that must be addressed in consultation with our community and neighbourhoods before we proceed but I believe that we are heading in the right direction.
As Mayor Fortin aptly put it, before we leap, we first sleep, then creep. In other words, North Saanich will tread carefully during the next few months to ensure that we have sufficient community support and have ironed out all the details. One comment by Mayor Fortin last night stayed with me -- before he ran for Victoria City Council, he was warned by people that legitimizing secondary suites could spell political disaster. But what happened in the end when the secondary suite program was launched in Victoria was surprising to him and to other Council members -- Victoria residents asked, "What took you so long?"
Please contact me or other Council members with comments or questions on this article or topic.
My Take on Suggested Amalgamation of Firefighting and Emergency Services on the Saanich Peninsula
But what concerns me most about Mr. Kubek's comments is his description of Peninsula residents and taxpayers as "customers." Yes, residents certainly are taxpayers, but they can hardly be described as "customers" when it comes to the provision of fire and emergency services. Our residents and taxpayers don't "shop" these services, looking for big sales and great deals. Service delivery is not about competition and price-cutting but about competence and protecting lives and property. Merely applying a business model to such vital community services is, in my opinion, ill-informed and unwise.
Believe me, when faced with a traumatic incident such as a house fire or emergency where lives are potentially at risk, a resident in distress is not going to stop to ask, "What does this cost?" I speak with some authority given that we suffered a major house fire in 1998 and if it had not been for the very quick and effective response of North Saanich volunteer firefighters, we would have lost the house. So when Mr. Kubek states, "Let's get real..." I say that there are some very "real" issues we must consider in any discussion about possible changes to fire protection and emergency services.
It's true that other jurisdictions have bought into the simplicity of Mr. Kubek's argument and jumped on the amalgamation bandwagon, only to later learn that results were more costly and did not provide better, more efficient service delivery. My understanding of the "real" story is that communities, especially smaller ones, can end up paying more for less and, because services and decision-making are centralized, a larger organization can be less flexible and responsive to local needs and concerns, particularly at the neighbourhood level.
Toronto, Halifax and Hamilton are just a few of the Canadian cities that have amalgamated and now realize that there is no panacea to bigger centralized local government or consolidation of services. In September 2008, Blake Hutcheson, Chair of Toronto's Independent Fiscal Review Panel, said during an interview that "...It's been 10 years since amalgamation. We now have 44 have huge, fractious decision-making. Clearly, when we set out with amalgamation as a province and a city, there were all kinds of hopes that we could get greater efficiencies, reduce our real estate, reduce our municipal staff, etc. The fact is we've added 4,000 jobs, we have not sold off any of the major real estate assets that anchored the once great cities, and we haven't been able to progress and gain the efficiencies that were promised..."
In a recent newspaper interview, North Saanich Fire Chief Gary Wilton points out that an amalgamated or consolidated model for the Peninsula will not save money or substantially improve service delivery. There appears to be some truth to Chief Wilton's observations. Closer to home, I understand that amalgamation or consolidation specific to fire and police services in Esquimalt is posing real challenges to the town's budget and service delivery -- Esquimalt is learning that amalgamation has brought with it escalating costs and less control.
North Saanich has been fortunate to have a volunteer firefighting and emergency services' model that focuses on high level training and competence. This was confirmed by a 2007 Ipsos-Reid survey of North Saanich residents where they ranked their satisfaction with our local firefighting and emergency services higher than for any other category, making it clear that they feel well protected and well served. Our North Saanich firefighters are uniquely all volunteer but no less professional, effective and respected.
"Real" differences also exist between fire protection and emergency service providers on the Saanich Peninsula. For example, Sidney and Central Saanich have forces combined of both volunteers and paid unionized staff, which introduces a new and complicated dynamic that increases costs for labour relations and union contract administration, in addition to salary costs (contract wage settlements for firefighters in the CRD have historically been some of the highest among unionized employees). The Victoria Airport Authority is located on federal land and is therefore a separate entity with a different mandate.
Recent cost comparisons for firehall improvements and upgrades also reveal differences -- Central Saanich and the airport have budgeted multi-millions while North Saanich will spend only a little over $2M for a new firehall addition. North Saanich also enjoys the lowest residential property tax rate on the Saanich Peninsula and one of the lowest in the region. What do you think might happen to North Saanich taxes if we amalgamated fire and emergency services with the rest of the Peninsula?
Despite these differences, it's well known that there is a strong history of mutual cooperation and collaboration between Central Saanich, North Saanich, Sidney and Victoria Airport Authority firefighters in a number of key areas such as training and professional development, emergency planning and coordination and in response to major regional emergencies.
Before exploring the suggestion of consolidating firefighting and emergency services on the Saanich Peninsula, we need to listen to our North Saanich residents and consult widely with our firefighting professionals. After all, I will place no price tag on health and safety if I believe that these very "real" priorities could in any way be compromised by consolidation or amalgamation.
Stay tuned.
Eight Months On and the Clock is Ticking – My View
I am reminded that Council work is truly "a work in progress." Improving local services while addressing local needs, most related to land use, are what municipalities spend the majority of their time doing. They do this primarily through a complicated set of regulatory bylaws and statutes that involve taxation and compliance, where success is most often defined by whatever side of the counter or issue you happen to be on. I have always believed that local government is a process that tries to avoid collisions between people, politics and issues. But when they do collide, Council is faced with trying to make good decisions about not so good situations. As you know, emotions can run high, anger can overshadow reason and tempests in teapots can blow the lid. Working through the angst and trying to find the best solution is one of the more challenging aspects of this work.
There are indeed challenges ahead for this Mayor and Council but I sense in the last eight months, North Saanich seems a lot less confrontational; people seem more willing to listen and to understand different points of view (at least on a few issues). I credit some of this change to a change in leadership at the Mayor's level, resulting in a renewed sense of purpose among the majority of Council members. I believe that for the first time in many years, North Saanich is also undergoing a significant transition that is taking it FROM small rural-residential community often seen as merely an extension of Sidney TO vibrant independent community that boasts some of the most valuable agricultural lands, natural rural spaces and environmental habitats left on southern Vancouver Island.
North Saanich is shifting to becoming a regional leader on agriculture and food security, environmental protection and conservation, preserving lifestyle quality and enhancing an enviable network of unique trails, beaches, parks and green spaces. North Saanich is also becoming recognized as a District where building capacity for the future includes an emphasis on local government that should be affordable. Those eager to develop and urbanize North Saanich's land base (more density = more services = higher taxes) are having to learn to work with a stated community desire for new ideas that are less about exploitation and more about making sound decisions for long term sustainability, environmental protection and conservation. One only has to look to other Vancouver Island communities such as Tofino to realize how necessary conservation is to land use planning -- rapid growth and density development on the Pacific Rim are threatening the community's available water supply.
As a footnote, I predict that without careful planning that focuses on conservation, other Vancouver Island communities face a similar fate -- water tomorrow will become as valuable as oil today.
There is another shift occurring in the context of more complex local and regional government. Since implementation of the Province's Community Charter legislation, local governments are expected to deliver more and more programs and services previously provided by the Province. I think our greatest challenge ahead is to maintain our ability to balance budgets with the pressure to meet community needs during a time of unprecedented provincial downloading and shrinking funds. That's why I believe that sustainability cannot be limited to the environment -- it must be applied as a universal planning tool to all aspects of local government and land use. Fortunately for North Saanich, it seems that the current Mayor and Council majority agree.
I am encouraged to see North Saanich taking its rightful place in the capital region as a community concerned about the future, its role on the Saanich Peninsula and how it can protect its natural environment, one that continues to draw people to this area. I am an enthusiastic supporter of Mayor Finall's priority that North Saanich should have a strong regional voice through the Capital Regional District (CRD) where she and other North Saanich Council members participate on various CRD committees -- North Saanich is demonstrating leadership on issues such as food security, homelessness, environmental protection, low income/subsidized housing, parks and agricultural planning.
With these realities as the backdrop, the North Saanich Council majority represents what I call a "working Mayor and Council." The work may not grab headlines in the local paper but I believe it has deeper meaning for our community and for those of us who share a long term commitment to strong local government. That's why I believe so much of the past eight months has been intentionally focused internally on incremental change i.e. gradually bringing about better accountability and consistency to municipal practices, policies and procedures.
The work of North Saanich Council also involves changing a culture, and re-defining the development paradigm beyond land use and bricks and mortar. The work is now more about addressing issues such as improved communication between staff and Council and between Council and the public. "Development" now involves community-building, improving and developing new community partnerships, recognizing shared responsibilities and sharing information with residents/taxpayers, with neighbouring municipalities, with North Saanich First Nations communities and with small and large business/industry partners. Whether it's working with the Victoria Airport Authority on developing transportation or with the Deep Cove Market on developing local retail, the goal is the same: to DEVELOP and maintain working relationships that are respectful, open and in the best interests of the community at large.
The following are some examples of changes and decisions since December 2008 that I believe have a direct impact on North Saanich residents:
Council procedures changed to ensure greater public access and input to Council meetings and governance (a campaign promise).
Improved Council to Council relationships with Sidney and Central Saanich (tri-municipal).
Regular committee reports prepared and submitted by individual Councillors at the Mayor's request and as part of Council agendas.
Former role of Committee of the Whole restored so that open debate occurs first before decisions are made a week later at the regular Council meeting (gives Council members, municipal staff and the public more time to reflect on the matter or to obtain, receive and consider new information).
Comprehensive policy review/revision completed this fall (all District policies and procedures reviewed for relevancy, efficiency and effectiveness).
2009 tax increase reflected attempts to hold the line on new spending, with budgets capped at roughly 5%, a full 3% less than previous tax increases.
Service agreement with BC Ferries reached that will enable the Corporation to hook up to North Saanich sewer system ($600,000 up front to North Saanich and annual payments to follow).
Phased zoning bylaw revision completed this fall to address anomalies/inconsistencies.
Consultant hired to conduct Agricultural Area Plan process for fall completion.
Revised District newsletter mailed out to individual households on a more frequent basis.
Website improvements made to streamline information and provide more efficient online services to residents and taxpayers.
Citizens' Liaison Committee established to address public concerns about proposed McTavish Rd. Interchange.
New relationship established with Pauquachin First Nation as part of Relationship Agreement development.
Expanded role and membership initiated by the Mayor through a variety of CRD committees and initiatives.
Wain Road Firehall expansion approved to meet growing emergency service delivery and training needs.
Secondary suite initiative moved ahead, with recent approval for a pilot program.
Local park acquisition identified as a priority for new Parks Plan.
Daily office hours established for the Mayor that enables her to be more accessible and available to staff and residents.
New customer satisfaction survey introduced to support planned improvements.
North Saanich formally requested other affected municipalities to support efforts to lobby senior levels of government and others to clean up Tod Inlet.
New signage approved for North Saanich beach accesses.
Regular neighbourhood meetings restored.
Permanent North Saanich Farm Market approved.
In-depth report on Panorama Recreation Centre and pool expansion approved.
Audit of sewer project (Deep Cove/Pat Bay/McDonald Park Road) approved.
Review of history of legal costs to the municipality with a view to reducing them.
As an individual Councillor reflecting on the past eight months, I believe that this Mayor and Council majority, through these achievements, have made a sincere attempt to restore trust and confidence in North Saanich's municipal administration. But the clock is ticking and there is still a lot to do, as follows:
Budget management in a time of recession and limited government funding.
Traffic management and transportation (e.g., speeding, parking, McTavish Road Interchange project, improved bus service to areas such as Dean Park).
Role of the OCP related to development pressure.
Increased parkland acquisition, including improvements to beach accesses.
Future of Dunsmuir Lodge.
Implementation of Marine Task Force and Agricultural Area Plan recommendations.
Succession planning to address significant municipal staff retirements occurring during the next 12 months.
Restoration of Scoter Trail.
These represent only a few of the many issues that are of public concern and I know that there are expectations of this Council by residents/taxpayers to resolve them. I can assure you that during this term, as an individual Councillor, I will continue to make an effort to keep these issues at the top of Council's agenda.
I will also continue to make decisions on your behalf that are ethical, fair and transparent. In fact, in my experience, Mayor Finall encourages these same values and expects no less from other Council members and municipal staff. There's an old saying: "If you expect the best, you very often get it."
I welcome your comments and questions on this article or on anything else that you read on this blog. Remember, communication is a two-way process. Please contact me anytime by phone or by e-mail.
Have a safe and happy rest of the summer!